Sandy Young Photography Blog

scottish photographer

Archive for August, 2019

Not my usual…Let Fanny Fly!

You get some weird jobs as a professional photographer!

Commissioned by a client for the ‘Let Fanny Fly’ campaign, early Sunday morning in the pouring rain…the irony was not lost on me!

A giant inflatable 19ft vagina-shaped blimp, banned from Edinburgh Fringe Festival started the “Let Fanny Fly” campaign.

All for a good cause the women’s wellness brand, Elvie.

4am start with Tom Daley!

4am start with Tom Daley, Nile Wilson and Denise Lewis…which really means up at 2am to drive the 70 miles to the location, the glamorous life of a freelance photographer!

But a great morning shooting with Tom, Nile and Denise who were on top form even at that time, I love an early start especially in the summer as you always get a great sunrise even in Scotland.

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Shooting at that time of the morning has it’s benefits and challenges, on the plus side shooting a portrait outside with early morning light (golden hour) is fantastic but freezing the action of Tom jumping is a bit of a challenge, high iso and a fast shutter with shallow depth of field (for all you guys who keep asking what the tech is) the shot above was shot at iso 1250/500sec at f2.8 on a Nikon d4s with a 16-35mm lens.

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Great also to work with Nile and Denise.

As always a great shoot is a team effort with a lovely client and big thanks to Haven who were hosting us all…and supplied us with coffee and a fantastic breakfast!

Craig Tara Holiday Park, Ayr

Craig Tara Holiday Park, Ayr