Sandy Young Photography Blog

scottish photographer

Archive for forth bridges

Scotland from the air

I love shooting aerial photography so when I got a call from a client to shoot renewable energy sites around Scotland I was delighted.

Five days up in a helicopter and a few thousand frames later…

Flying at first light to locations you just don’t realise how stunning Scotland is from the air.

I’ve put together some of my favourite’s images hope you like them as much as I enjoyed shooting them.

Aerial photography has it’s own set of challenges, from making sure all your kit is secured in the aircraft so nothing falls off mid-flight when you have your camera sticking out a window at over 100mph! Then there’s the technical issues of shooting from the air not to mention working in a survival suit…but I loved every minute of it.

I get asked a lot about the technical aspects of how I shoot, firstly get it right in camera and you won’t spend hours trying to fix your images later! The number of times I’ve heard “it’s ok I can always sort it later in photoshop”.

Firstly, I always shoot in RAW and only use manual, processed in lightroom then any final adjustments done in photoshop.

For aerial photography a high shutter speed is a must as your traveling at speed and with the vibration of the rotors anything over 1000 at f8 works well then it’s just a matter of concentrating on the image.

And of course a massive thanks to everyone at PDG Aviation who were amazing.